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- International Spittahz Club | ktng860am
The hallmark of underground hip hop from UZN, Universal Zulu Union and Zulu Nation. Where MC's flex their vocab skills and performances in a no holds bar morning segment. Weekdays from 5am - 10am (MST) Everything for conscious hip-hop to Stories of Hue and satirical comedy, woven into a fast pace wake up show that's engaging about the world we live in. Motto - (C) Spit or Quit! We challenge every MC to send in their MP3's! Great for new promotions so send yours to ktng860am@gmail.com, TODAY! 斯皮塔兹 国际的 俱乐部 1个 .我们DON'T OWN THE RIGHTS TO任何视频 !! Vidz 严格由我们推广为“全球粉丝最爱”的艺术家社区提供。 2个 .每个视频艺术家或团体都是 基于抒情语境、清晰度、模式、想象力、制作和风格、舞台表演, 在场 ,而不依赖于观点!换句话说 -贝达MC .! 3个 . 没有 HATERZ - 批判 需要在嘻哈文化中激发更多创造性遗产! 4. 每个人都有机会,不管他们的母语是什么。 5个 . ONLY 前20名在KTNG 早间秀 早上 7 点 (mst) 游戏规则! 抒情 L Reyy 富名声 Thnx brotha' ✊ To be a part of the "International's Spittah Club" is an honor to me_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 💯 因为我真的很喜欢那个节目标题,所以我很自豪能成为特色。
- OM7 Ani-Filmz | ktng860am
Documentaries and CGI movies are made here for the world to see and support in black cinema. Support by donating to our efforts to level the playing field and encouraging community participation in the visual arts!! 媒体艺术画廊 & projects 我们的标志:OM7 Ani-Filmz 它还活着!!! !这是电影公司的新标志设计。稍后我会准备好项目的标题。之后 - 我正在制作整部电影! #Melanin4Omnitar 在为电影重新编写剧本后,一切都融合在一起,我很高兴能制作整部电影。随着我们继续制作这个银河系,更多图形艺术更新将发布在这里! 我只是想确保你能看到一些以前从未做过的事情,并会激励少数人中的许多人实现他们的梦想!
- KTNG 860 AM.org | Community Radio staion in Colorado Springs | United States
KTNG860AM.org is the voice of the voiceless global community where 750,000 world-wide listeners engage through our multicasting of culture and politics through the KTNG MORNING SHOW!! Tune in from 5am - 6pm (MST) daily!! We also connect with DJ's through SpiNCyKiL every Sat. from 3p - 10p (mst) for DJ mix parties sponsored by Universal Zulu Nation!! The community radio station in colorado springs- Community Radio station in Colorado Springs the community radio staion in colorado springs GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT!!! GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT!!! GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT!!! GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT!!! 家 关于 重新编程 视频档案和装备 About OM7 动画片 编程参数 成为支持者! 国际斯皮塔兹俱乐部 Services About Blog Search Results More Dignity Dignity Dignity Dignity Justice Justice Justice Justice Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom TUNE IN NOW!!! Facebook WhatsApp LinkedIn 如何添加新的问题和答案? 要添加新的常见问题解答,请按照以下步骤操作: 1.单击“管理常见问题解答”按钮 2。从您网站的仪表板,您可以添加、编辑和管理您的所有问题和答案 3。每个问题和答案都应该添加到一个类别中 4.保存并发布。 我可以在常见问题解答中插入图片、视频或 gif 吗? 是的。要添加媒体,请按照下列步骤操作: 1.输入应用程序的设置 2。单击“管理常见问题解答”按钮 3。选择您要添加媒体的问题 4.编辑答案时,点击相机、视频或 GIF 图标 5.从您的媒体库中添加媒体。 UZN 第 50 届世界理事会的目的是什么? 在社区事务和行动主义方面为成员提供支持。作为成员,任何在 Hip-Hop 文化的所有元素中有益于社区的感兴趣的项目都将获得相关的支持服务。在 Planet Rock 上,Universal Zulu Nation 催生了许多艺术家/活动家的分会,说的很少,从艺术本身成为他们成就的顶峰。通过为元素内的阐述、合作和进化提供一个元空间,我们最大的信念是所有人的基本法则,在祖鲁统一中:爱、和平、团结和快乐,仍然是代代相传的努力和保存的基础HIP-HOP文化。 费用是多少? 只是时间有所作为,或者至少比你更努力 可能是想象。当生活在移动时,我们都会移动,对吗?当我们留下积极的签名时,对于那些欣赏它的人来说,这项工作是有意义的。通过基层外展,在历史上的重要性使嘻哈不仅仅是一种运动。 2 普利策奖来自 Hip Hop 和世界各地的人类经验,被接受。 下一步是什么? 组织是目前的关键,如果没有每个人都参与进来帮助使 UZN 世界第 50 届理事会不仅仅是一个品牌,我们就无法做到这一点。我们为使生活成为“生活艺术”的升华所做的贡献最能体现这一运动。让每个人都参与到他们所在国家/地区的国际演讲者的过程中,意味着必须存在诚信交流。直言不讳——这是 Hip-Hop。存档我们的工作使其成为文化研究洞察力的核心。因此,认可的大学学习将包括了解文化中的商业和社会政治转变。这可以在高中阶段教授,重点是代代相传的责任。 Is there a "simpler" way to understand Project 2025? Yes, and it's in comic book form for the visually stimulated!! https://stopproject2025comic.org/... 什么是常见问题解答部分? 常见问题解答部分可用于快速回答有关您或您的业务的常见问题,例如“您要运送到哪里?”、“您的营业时间是几点?”或“我如何预订服务?” 这是帮助人们浏览您网站的好方法,甚至可以提升您网站的 SEO。 Can I insert an image, video, or GIF in my FAQ? Yes. To add media follow these steps: 1. Manage FAQs from your site dashboard or in the Editor 2. Create a new FAQ or edit an existing one 3. From the answer text box click on the video, image or GIF icon 4. Add media from your library and save. How do I edit or remove the 'Frequently Asked Questions' title? You can edit the title from the FAQ 'Settings' tab in the Editor. To remove the title from your mobile app go to the 'Site & App' tab in your Owner's app and customize.
- About | ktng860am
Get to know us as we know the world through the world! This helps in making the Apprenticeship Program the key to investigative community news. Join us! KTNG网站 捐 KTNG.Org 是 501(c)3 非营利组织,符合 GuideStar 标准的媒体艺术广播电台,在美国检查我们。话虽如此,我们对我们推出的产品毫不妥协。来自世界各地的音乐、刚刚被挖掘出来的新闻和文化教育 让我们更接近理解、宽容和新艺术视野的家园。普世祖鲁民族 - 代表! 时代精神 , 说些什么!摄像师 - 将您的电影提供给超过 19 个国家!! WE"RE GROWING LIKE LODO _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ MARIJUANA!! ! 加入!
- Re-Program | ktng860am
KTNG inspires the global community to tell great stories and tune in for the best in underground music, news and discovery! 重新编程 重新编程 重新编程 音乐 讲话 国际的 斯皮塔兹俱乐部 全球嘻哈 - 上午 5 点 - 上午 10 点(MST) KTNG 早间秀!! 早上 7 点至早上 8 点(山地标准时间) _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 3pm - 下午4点 音频文档 - 新闻与纪录片 上午 10 点至上午 11 点(山区标准时间) _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 4pm - 6pm 谈话-N-灵魂 radio! 聆听我们的歌单,成为全球运动的一份子!成为您社区的代言人,现在! KTNG.Org 基金驱动编程 感谢每一位捐助的人! 帮助保护言论自由和支持!成为 KTNG.Org 的会员 感谢光临!!! 对于所有过来参加 da' convo 的人 - 在线 !你得到永恒的呐喊!继续前行,让这里成为您的家! Mi casa, su casa!亲切! 玛丽塞拉第二 玛丽亚萨尔西里 布丽吉特·拉金斯 卡门埃尔南德斯 马洛伊王子 约翰尼现金现金 欧内斯特富兰克林富兰克林 卡马拉梅森 Nigel Daring 教授 富名声 蒂娜·海托华 特雷弗·托马斯 Ubuntu 软件 奇妙的卡温顿先生 格伦卡温顿 乔博鲁夫 李里维拉 卢切拉种皮 Dwayne Proctor 博士 - RWJ 基金会 乔尔·杜普里·奈特 咏叹调文森特 迪亚布罗·别德马·埃雷拉 杰森 J 寒意 沃尔特詹金斯 - Man Hoo Remembers 沃尔特维佐瓦蒂 沃尔特桑图奇 海伦杰克逊 杰米曼顿 安妮特特雷尔 甜蜜旋律奥罗斯科 杰森·安东尼 熊 Pjdn Kru B.紫海因斯 陆亚 雷纳里维拉 斯科特·伍兹 保罗·马丁(美国海军陆战队 - 退役) 快速尼维斯 里娜·塞万提斯 塞尔吉奥·米尔津 Chris 亚历山大 沙利文·沃克 所罗门斯蒂芬斯 抒情 L.雷伊 安吉丽·玛丽·莫内 保罗瓦茨 克比岩 生锈的牛角 里科·哈德森 德里尔詹姆斯 丹尼尔巴尔加斯贝尼特斯 哈坎·阿克顿 大流士莫泽莱夫斯基 Rodney Prez-Ny White 安迪塞巴斯蒂安德梅 斯蒂芬妮·里瓦斯 马克粗糙 凯夫滑雪 鲍勃星球 卡特琳娜·克谢尼耶娃 Yuka Matsuda 田口 Mothership Connection 的 Luke Cage 津乌鲁 斯特凡埃斯科弗里 胡安加西亚 - 山羊黑手党!!! 哈罗德波特 MC散文 汤姆培根 天使 Inifinit Galorza Flasha TR 佩蒂福德 祖鲁瓦穆尤 理查德克拉克 - 黑珍珠耳鼻喉科。 瑞奇伍德 马赛特·塞赛 埃尔班尼 迈克杰克逊 安吉拉佩雷斯 格洛丽亚·安德森 鲍勃约书亚 杰韦伯 吉布森自由美女 乔伊斯·斯图尔特 布伦达·埃金斯·珀金斯 Xavier Villalobos - X 教授 - 被剥夺权利 筱原雅人 迪奥娜贝瑞 滑雪里约热内卢 马昆巴划痕 胃肠炎 弗兰克·马丁内斯 弗兰克耶茨 何塞·路易斯·古兹曼 香农·史密斯 丹妮尔·德·安吉利亚 马特雷尔麦金尼斯 尼娜亨德森 史蒂文·安东尼·哈里斯 萨加阿里沙阿 伊萨维尔·瓜达卢佩·奥尔蒂斯·阿尔瓦拉多 大卫·泰勒 情色特雷斯 绿咬鹃伊萨 拉斯夸梅 劳尼朗姆 科雷塔·布朗 沙杰克逊 BeatzRhymez 情绪 蔚巢 MassDogMusic 的大众狗 Mu Anki布格加迪 Dwayne Proctor 博士 Nigel Darring 教授 夸曲林恩博士 拉丁裔商会 - 康普顿 中子卓木 卢克和米娅亚历山大 海蒂加德纳 杰米曼顿 迪佐埃托 内特 斋子 马利克·史密斯 兰妮塔·琼斯公主 杰夫谢泼德 凯伊罗拉 弗兰克米尔斯米兰达 吴东 非洲伊斯兰教 普世祖鲁民族 朗尼朗姆 希兹泰勒 伊约拉菲茨 嘉奎娜·梅森家族 金老板 安东尼梅森 格雷格梅森 加入康沃! 通过 Facebook 和 YouTube 直播!随着节目的进行进行互动和评论,并为支持“处于危险中”的年轻人捐赠以支持基于社区的新闻和媒体艺术学徒!谢谢你和 Jah Bless!
- Interview Spotlightz | ktng860am
A brand new entity on cultural interviews on the movers and shakers in the crafts of music and screen. We ask for donations if you'd like to air them for educational purposes. Get yours NOW! Interview Spotlightz!! Hosted by Jeff W. Jaggers II Welcome to Interview Soptlightz ! On this page, everyone interviewed has made more than a mark in history, but are iconic in the works they do. Either as industry heads or artist from international cultures, this is where you can learn certain caveats, not available on Wiki or Youtube. We only ask that you donate to our cause to record the candidly, that so many miss in context. Session 1 Date of Interview: 2/26/2024 Marvin Spruill is the defining legacy to country music, and it's origins from Africa. In his inaugural interview, he details how it was, is and how he became to be the Founder & Executive Producer of The Country Soul Music Awards. 3-7-2024 Session 2 Travelin' Matt Travelin' Matt is a not only DJ but an entrepreneur, artist, music producer and King of the Thailand Club scene! He has a very interesting and fun story to tell you, from the island of smiles! Get your interview, now! ktng860am@gmail.com
- Video Archive and Gear | ktng860am
Here, we sell our Interviews, Company Mug, show videos and documentaries produced, T-shirts, books authored and ask for public donations to support universal community radio!! 视频档案 KTNG.NET电视 有一个站点可以发挥您的视觉创造力!我们一直在这样做,作为一种车辆模型来教授“处于危险中”的青年,以及在媒体艺术中进一步发展他们的创造性选修课的可能性。我们为 RWJ 基金会、柏林黑人电影节、好莱坞周刊杂志、Culture Vision TV 做过工作,并在 YouthBuild Compton 完成了 98% 的课程学习。 Contact us to bring the Apprenticeship Program and let _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ the_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_fun 开始! 康普顿青年建设 Culture Vision _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ TV! 感谢 FOR 聆听和您的 支持 。 国际 ALLSTARS 社交媒体营销团队 MJ KRISS FM 已通过 RECORDING 艺术家“ALWAZ” 进行了校准。 ALWAZ IS ONE OF THE NEWEST MEMBER OF PRIME MOTIVATION AND HAS THE SAME FOCUS AND VISION TO BE APART OF THIS ORGANIZATION. _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ "TURN IT UP " _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ 在 FACEBOOK 上点赞并关注我们。 克里斯 FM https://www.facebook.com/PrimeMotivation/ https://www.facebook.com/InternationalAllstarsMJs?ref=hl https://soundcloud.com/dj-kriss-fm https://www.facebook.com/ClubDecades?ref=hl https://www.facebook.com/InternationalAllstars?ref=hl Global Artist and Community _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Sponsors_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-1356bad_5 of KTNG.Org “共同努力使革命比意识形态一致性规则更响亮!” 过去 - 现在! 我恨我的邻居! 谢谢!消息已发送。 发送 阿尔瓦兹 即将到来的网络中立时代的多样性。 青少年日 是全球社区的声音 . TeenDay 是社区和特殊事件新闻的品牌 expression, 保持 我们所有的编程都与人相关。加入我们,成为全球社区的贡献计划赞助商,你 需要更多的观众! * 我们筛选所有信息,作为我们第一修正案权利的差事,关于 电子广播 有助于 KTNG.Org 使命声明的信息或图像。_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 赞助!! $50.00 一个月 ,没有合同条款意味着您可以在非营利媒体平台上播放赞助广告。我们全天候 24/7 覆盖国内和全球市场,并帮助制作您的赞助商广告。宣传贵公司品牌一年!这很简单,可以免税,我们通过 GuideStar 符合 501(c)3 标准。我们为每个小型企业预算提供 3 个月、6 个月和 1 年套餐!! 接触: 丹·佩特里格鲁 @ teendaybroadcast@gmail.com 新编程! 周六下午 3 点到 4 点将是 TeenDay 的新节目,”下午茶时间 ”. 由姐姐哥哥团队主持的社区节目克莱尔 和马克斯·多诺万 !!如果您有想要为我们不断增长的多样化受众制作的编程创意,请表达您的支持或与我们联系。我们需要你的声音。 #ktng860am 程序 档案 欢迎来到我们的“程序档案”!聆听以洞察力、赋权和我们可以找到并超越的日常解决方案为主题的访谈!购买分享,KTNG 860 am原创直播!
- UZN 50th WORLD COUNCIL | ktng860am
Universal Zulu Nation membership to the cultural council is available to all who practice the 5 elements of Hip Hop culture and to expand the knowledge base of Hip Hop, through its Legacy Holders. We are thankful for Afrika Islam's guidance for undertaking a huge process in getting new and old members a fresh look and community value system that supports all chapters, world wide!! Sign up, join and support NOW! UZN 50th World Council UZN 50th World Council Welcome to UZN 50th World Council. First, we thank and love you all!! Now that we have a site page for everything base on the first and only principle law that exist in Universal Zulu Nation: Love, Peace, Unity & Having Fun. Our mission is to further the legacy of UZN by its ability as a global community, unfractured. Elevate the collaborative efforts of promotion and maintain brand awareness of all members, fairly and just. Integrity is the corner stone of trust and that opens many niches of qualified opportunity for all. As a global effort, we only ask that you respect other artist and elemental masters of hip-hop, as a matter of being humane. Now for the fun stuff!! With the help of KTNG860am.org, unification on this platform is tantamount to having a safe place to grow our art and support one another intellectually, spiritually and improve creative levels of austerity. This will require networking, promotion and coordination of how to help artist with community functions, within the culture of hip-hop. This means, everybody that has an idea or project that needs nurturing within the process, must also know that associations like this, foster a greater means of family. In the coming months, we will establish a global network available to all members. There is no cost to join but chapter donations would be discrectional to fundraising efforts, by KTNG860am.org for facilitation. We don't ask for much but It's nice to the non-profit that that it is. Lastly, I want to thank Afrika Islam for extending his friendship and association of Universal Zulu Nation. With him, this phase for all chapters will have a blue print for sustainability, for many decades, on this; our Planet Rock. Blessings, and Peace to all. Bro-Be-Won Zenobi Membership Membership Join as a member or volunteer! Registration First Name Last Name Email Street Address Street Address Line 2 City Region/State/Province Postal / Zip code Country Next Donate Now Help us make a difference First Name Last Name Email Donate in the name of Thank You Reciept Thank you for your donation! Please take notice: The "Thank You Receipt is set at a min of $10. Anything less than that and PayPal will charge you $5 for processing and we don't sent out invoicing that low. Volunteer Network First Name Last Name Email How did you find out about us? Select an option Which days are you available? Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat A few words about you Submit Application Thanks for applying to volunteer with us! We'll get back to you soon.
- Programming Parameters | ktng860am
This is where the rubber meets the road, running! We not only program public music but Audio Doxz, Lectures and Essays that are historically based in all cultures. Tune in and learn something now before you're too old to learn at last. Weekdays from 10am - 6pm (MST)
- SPIN CYKIL | ktng860am
This is where the top DJ's from ZULU NATION and UNIVERSAL ZULU NATION bring their craft to celebrate the skills and music played by DJ's world wide!! The party starts every Saturday from 3p - 10p (MST). Our motto: If we spin it, you will dance!! GET INVOLVED 2 EVOLVE!! G. Matthew Hammond AKA: Travelin’ Matt 5/54 Moo 8 Tombon.Samrong Nua Amphur Muangsamutprakarn. Jungwat. Samutprakarn 10270 E-Mail: TravelinMatt@gmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Travelin.Matt.Hammond/ Mixcloud: https://www.mixcloud.com/TravelinMattHammond/ Instagram: instagram.com/travelin_matt A little introduction… Born: USA Resides: Bangkok Thailand since 2001 Raised: Worldwide by Thai Mother and American Soldier Father (Thai/American Citizen) Occupations: Nightclub Marketing, PR, A&R Social Media Director, Event Management, Brand Management, Talent Coordinator, DJ/MC for nightclubs & corporate events, actor, Radio host, voiceover talent, TV Host, Magazine Writer, Chef Food Truck & Restaraunt owner, university graduate, buddhist monk, world traveler, music lover … ask for CV for exact dates and locations Bangkok Nightclub Employers: Maggie Choo's (DJ/Management) The Nest (DJ)/Management) Tichuca Rooftop Bar (DJ) Bar Scofflaws (DJ) BAR 335 (DJ) Koi restaurant and the Club @Koi (DJ/MC) Koi bar and FTV Lounge (DJ) Marriott Marquis Queen's Park ABar Rooftop (DJ) The Firm Bangkok (DJ) Ce La Vi Nightclub (MC) Ku de ta nightclub (MC) Attitude at Avani Hotel (DJ/ Entertainment manager) 8 on eleven (DJ) Q Bar Bangkok (MC/DJ/Management) 12 Years MAD Club Bangkok (MC/DJ/Management) Bash Club Bangkok (MC) Bed Supperclub Bangkok (MC) 808 Bangkok RCA (MC) Mystique Club Bangkok (MC) The Club Khao San (MC/DJ) Lava Club Khao San (DJ) CM2 Hip Hop Room (DJ) Ja Guide 420 Club Bangkok (DJ) Bangkok Bars: Bangkok Pool party Juicy Billy's Smokehouse 335 Ma Rum Ba Base Bar Wishbeer The Beer Cap RCA Overground El Mariachi Roots Reggae Bar Bangkok Bar Khao San Immortal Bar G4 Bar Silom Soi 4 Tappas Bar Home Bar Silom Soi 4 Speed Bar Milk Bar Samui Solo Bar Samui Bangkok Radio: UB Radio.net Online Internet Radio Wave Fm 88 (Weekend Jock) 90.3 DNA (Weekly Personality) 95.5 FMX (Guest DJ) GET 102.5 (Guest DJ) Q Bar Podcast with DJ Octo International gigs The Vibe Myanmar (DJ for Soulja Boy) MCM Vietnam Lush Vietnam Pontoon Cambodia Music Styles Hip Hop, Mashups, Reggae, R&B, Bass, Gogo, Rock, Soul, Old School, Latin and Reggatone, Pop, House, 80s EDM and anything to make a crowd happy... E-Water Radio!! Get ready UZN members! UZN Radio is here!! With several streamix networks on the rise, we intend to be a showcase for the D.J. Whose life-art is the reason we dance, bob our head or wonder why there are no rap-karaoke bars. The Math here is a solution, not a warehouse like Amazon Prime. This is where legends in the game are heard every Saturday from 3pm to 10pm MST (mountain Standard Time - U.S.) Therefore we thank the many around the world who help guide the next generation through history. Check out our schedule weekly to see who's playing our turn it up. We're what free radio for the people should be and not by the limitations of sponsored media. Our mixologist are from many parts of the world and if your new to this, become a member of the UZN Council for free. The benefit - nonstop mix shows you can't get anywhere else, broadcasted from ktng860am.org, under the banner of Universal Zulu Nation!! E-Water Radio is one of the funkiest links to music, artist showcases, interviews and way much more. As a network link to Ktng860am.org, E-Waters' life-art commitment is unparalleled from the West Coast. E-Water Radio is our secondary link, outside the corporate vacuum. (TBA) The Hottest Global Hip-Hop Interviewer & DJ !! Direct from France, the man who not only D.J's a good mash up but also moves the needle! KING FLOW!! We welcome his style, grace and a good reason to hear the interviews of up and coming and legendary hip-hop artist, world wide. Tune in every Saturday and hear the latest convo!! DJ G. MAttew Hammond NYears Party Flyer.jpg EarGasm.jpg G. Mat Hammond.jpg Get in Touch & Chuck us a good set!!! 1+213 925 3589 (LVM) ktng860am@gmail.com The International Spittahz Club is a hip hop world of culture. From UZN, the U.K., the U.S., South Africa, Japan, China, Senegal, Australia, Bulgaria, Thailand, Germany, Austria, Ireland, New Zealand, Afghanistan, Palestine, Mexico, Cuba, Belgium, Bolivia, Peru, Chile, Iran, Egypt, Sudan, The Philippines - These Vid-Artist are the criteria for the future!! Hip-Hop has NO BORDERS, NO WALLS, NO RACE. WE are the Voice of the Voiceless! KTNG860am.org This is UZN Radio Saturday!! Bringing together the future D.J. and Turntablist of styles, is no easy feat. It requires everyone to make the effort in building better. We all may not make it to the top of commercial success but at least we NEVER GAVE UP!! The Top Tier is Loaded like this!! - Hear the FYRE every Saturday (US) that incorporate the world's finest D.J.'s from UZN and beyond!! We always promote and never step on the toes of the future!! IN-House Specialist: These are the cats holdin' it down, every weekend!! Resident Dir. of Global Turn Table Mixes Travelin' Matt For 2 years, he's been the pilot, flying the mothership! Great human being from Thialand!! Resident DIr. of the DanceFloor Boogie!! Adam Flores With a passion for everything danceable in the 80's, there's never a beat he can't flip!! Resident Dir. of the Bully Turn Tables of funk and soul!! The Mighty Danjah Ras If you question what you heard from his decks, then the honor is yours to behold. The sonic beat 'em up!! Resident Contributor of styles and master of the interview!! Read More King Flow With 20 countries ridin', there's no artist he can't interview in the global Hip-Hop culture. Ya'll better recognize!! Facebook X (Twitter) WhatsApp
- Become a Supporter! | ktng860am
Become a supporter of free speech meda by donating, contributing stories from the global community or simply buying a Station Tee at 25% off!! 一个 乙 乙 C 欧 米 乙 5.00 美元 “好邻居” for community __cc781905-5cde-3194-bb36b36bad5cf58d___cc781905-1905-3194-bb3b3b3b3b3bb36bb36bbbad55 c555 c555555555555.55555555555555-5555555-55555-55555-5555-5555-5555-5555-555-55555555-55555-555-5555-555-555-555-555-5555岁c。 ** For companies, individuals or organizations that wish to do "实物 " donations, please _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_remit request and item(s) _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_description to: _cc7819 05-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ ktng860am@gmail.com 一次性捐赠 $ 5.00 ,我们每周都会为 所有帮助 打击虚假大众媒体的人呐喊! Thank you so much for caring ! 作为首席执行官兼所有者,在我的旅程中,我遇到了一些非常好的人。我公开分享了我的技能和友谊。向真正的大师学习。被那些人所爱,我深深地关心。通过本着信仰传递这些充满活力的礼物,我们要求您做出贡献。通过成为会员订户,您的年度税- 免赔额 承诺 100.00 美元 helps 改善学徒计划的课程动态,我们的全球编程在每个_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b58d_generation 和平等的倡导权利、公正和公平的报告反映了每个社区。太感谢了!扎哈保佑。 成为一个 KTNG网站 年度会员 $ 100.00 ! 50% OFF BUY NOW 杰夫贾格斯 首席执行官/所有者 - KTNG.Org 当被压迫者成为压迫者时,就会成为一个绝对疯狂的控制狂! 文案 2014 501(c)3 我的大事件 This is a great place to tell people more about your special day and get them excited to celebrate. More Info > 不要成为一个 INCEL! 获取阻止你成为他们的书! 仅适用于 17.95 美元 PATREON DISCOUNT 12.95 美元 拍摄你的马克杯! You seen the MUG and now it's YOURS as a KTNG MORNING SHOW Subscriber:_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 20.00 美元 帕特隆 折扣 16.00 美元 通过 ktng860am@gmail.com 下订单或捐款!包含 S&H! 获取您的赞助: 不要成为“Incel” - 成为能做到的人,明白! 单击下面的站点并找出秘密 http://www.amazon.com/dp/B072XYG1FV https://www.patreon.com/preview/e998e8b68b104d3c8b0e3a61079bb421