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  • International Spittahz Club | ktng860am

    Spittahz Internasionaal KLUB 1 . OnsDON'T OWN THE         RIGHTS TO ENIGE VIDEO !! Vidz is streng vir en deur die gemeenskap van kunstenaars wat ons as "global fan favourites" bevorder. 2 . Elke Vid-kunstenaar of groep is gebaseer op liriese konteks, duidelikheid, patroon, verbeelding, produksie en styl, verhooguitvoering,_cc781905-5cde-3194-bad_b3b-136d Teenwoordigheid , en nie afhanklik van sienings nie! Met ander woorde -WEES DA MC .! 3 .  GEEN HATERZ -  Kritiek  is nodig om MEER kreatiewe erfenisse in die kultuur van hiphop te inspireer! 4.  Almal kry 'n kans, ongeag hul moedertaal. 5 . ONLY   die top 20 word op dieKTNG OGGENDSKOU 7vm (mst) Reëls van die spel! Liriek L Reyy Ryk roem  Thnx brotha' ✊ To be a part of the "International's Spittah Club" is an honor to me_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_💯 Omdat ek baie van daardie programtitel hou, voel ek trots om uitgestal te word.

  • KTNG 860 | Community Radio staion in Colorado Springs | United States

    GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT!!! GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT!!! GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT!!! Tuis Oor Herprogrammeer Video Argief en Toerusting About OM7 Ani-Filmz Programmering Parameters Word 'n ondersteuner! Internasionale Spittahz-klub Services About Blog Search Results More Dignity Dignity Dignity Justice Justice Justice Freedom Freedom Freedom TUNE IN NOW!!! Facebook WhatsApp LinkedIn Hoe voeg ek 'n nuwe vraag en antwoord by? Volg hierdie stappe om 'n nuwe algemene vrae by te voeg: 1. Klik "Bestuur Gereelde Vrae"-knoppie 2. Vanaf jou werf se kontroleskerm kan jy al jou vrae en antwoorde byvoeg, redigeer en bestuur 3. Elke vraag en antwoord moet by 'n kategorie gevoeg word 4. Stoor en publiseer. Kan ek 'n prent, video of gif in my algemene vrae invoeg? Ja. Volg hierdie stappe om media by te voeg: 1. Voer die toepassing se instellings in 2. Klik op die "Bestuur algemene vrae"-knoppie 3. Kies die vraag waarby jy media wil byvoeg 4. Wanneer jy jou antwoord wysig, klik op die kamera-, video- of GIF-ikoon 5. Voeg media by jou biblioteek. Wat is die doel van UZN 50ste Wêreldraad? Om op 'n ondersteuningsvlak vir lede oor gemeenskapsake en aktivisme te funksioneer. As lede sal enige projek van belang wat die gemeenskap in alle elemente van Hip-Hop-kultuur bevoordeel, toegang hê tot ondersteuningsdienste wat verband hou. Across the Planet Rock het Universal Zulu Nation baie hoofstukke van kunstenaar/aktivis voortgebring en gesê min word die toppunt van hul prestasies uit die kuns self. Deur 'n meta-ruimte te bied vir uitwerking, samewerking en evolusie binne die elemente, is dit ons uiterste oortuiging van die fundamentele wet van almal, in Zulu Unation: Liefde, Vrede, Eenheid en Om pret te hê, bly die grondslag van generasiepogings en behoud van die kultuur van HIP-HOP. Wat kos dit? Niks behalwe tyd om 'n verskil te maak of ten minste harder te probeer as wat jy kan nie moontlik verbeel. Wanneer die lewe beweeg, beweeg ons almal, nie waar nie? Wanneer ons 'n positiewe handtekening nalaat, is die werk betekenisvol, vir diegene wat dit waardeer. Deur 'n voetsoolvlakuitreik te hê, het betekenis in die geskiedenis Hip Hop meer as 'n beweging gemaak. 2 Pulitzer-pryse kom uit die menslike ervaring in Hip Hop en die wêreld oor, word aanvaar. Wat is volgende? Organisasie is tans die sleutel en ons kan dit nie doen sonder dat almal na die tafel kom om te help om UZN Wêreld 50ste Raad meer as 'n handelsmerk te maak nie. Die beweging word die beste weergegee deur ons bydraes om die lewe 'n verhoging in die "lewende kuns" te maak. Om almal betrokke te kry by die proses van internasionale sprekers in hul perspektieflande, beteken kommunikasie van integriteit moet bestaan. Om botweg te wees - dit is Hip-Hop. Argiveering van ons werk maak dit sentraal om 'n insig vir kultuurstudies te word. Daarom sal geakkrediteerde universiteitstudie bestaan uit die begrip van die besigheid en sosio-politieke verskuiwings binne die kultuur. Dit kan op hoërskoolvlak onderrig word met 'n fokus op generasieverantwoordelikheid. Is there a "simpler" way to understand Project 2025? Yes, and it's in comic book form for the visually stimulated!! Wat is 'n FAQ-afdeling? 'n Algemene vrae-afdeling kan gebruik word om vinnig algemene vrae oor jou of jou besigheid te beantwoord, soos "Waarheen stuur jy?", "Wat is jou openingstye?" of "Hoe kan ek 'n diens bespreek? Dit is 'n wonderlike manier om mense te help om jou werf te navigeer en kan selfs jou werf se SEO 'n hupstoot gee. Can I insert an image, video, or GIF in my FAQ? Yes. To add media follow these steps: 1. Manage FAQs from your site dashboard or in the Editor 2. Create a new FAQ or edit an existing one 3. From the answer text box click on the video, image or GIF icon 4. Add media from your library and save. How do I edit or remove the 'Frequently Asked Questions' title? You can edit the title from the FAQ 'Settings' tab in the Editor. To remove the title from your mobile app go to the 'Site & App' tab in your Owner's app and customize.

  • SPIN CYKIL | ktng860am

    GET INVOLVED 2 EVOLVE!! G. Matthew Hammond AKA: Travelin’ Matt 5/54 Moo 8 Tombon.Samrong Nua Amphur Muangsamutprakarn. Jungwat. Samutprakarn 10270 E-Mail: Facebook: Mixcloud: Instagram: A little introduction… Born: USA Resides: Bangkok Thailand since 2001 Raised: Worldwide by Thai Mother and American Soldier Father (Thai/American Citizen) Occupations: Nightclub Marketing, PR, A&R Social Media Director, Event Management, Brand Management, Talent Coordinator, DJ/MC for nightclubs & corporate events, actor, Radio host, voiceover talent, TV Host, Magazine Writer, Chef Food Truck & Restaraunt owner, university graduate, buddhist monk, world traveler, music lover … ask for CV for exact dates and locations Bangkok Nightclub Employers: Maggie Choo's (DJ/Management) The Nest (DJ)/Management) Tichuca Rooftop Bar (DJ)​ Bar Scofflaws (DJ) BAR 335 (DJ) Koi restaurant and the Club @Koi (DJ/MC) Koi bar and FTV Lounge (DJ) Marriott Marquis Queen's Park ABar Rooftop (DJ) The Firm Bangkok (DJ) Ce La Vi Nightclub (MC) Ku de ta nightclub (MC) Attitude at Avani Hotel (DJ/ Entertainment manager) 8 on eleven (DJ) Q Bar Bangkok (MC/DJ/Management) 12 Years MAD Club Bangkok (MC/DJ/Management) Bash Club Bangkok (MC) Bed Supperclub Bangkok (MC) 808 Bangkok RCA (MC) Mystique Club Bangkok (MC) The Club Khao San (MC/DJ) Lava Club Khao San (DJ) CM2 Hip Hop Room (DJ) Ja Guide 420 Club Bangkok (DJ) Bangkok Bars: Bangkok Pool party Juicy Billy's Smokehouse 335 Ma Rum Ba Base Bar Wishbeer The Beer Cap RCA Overground El Mariachi Roots Reggae Bar Bangkok Bar Khao San Immortal Bar G4 Bar Silom Soi 4 Tappas Bar Home Bar Silom Soi 4 Speed Bar Milk Bar Samui Solo Bar Samui Bangkok Radio: UB Online Internet Radio Wave Fm 88 (Weekend Jock) 90.3 DNA (Weekly Personality) 95.5 FMX (Guest DJ) GET 102.5 (Guest DJ) Q Bar Podcast with DJ Octo International gigs The Vibe Myanmar (DJ for Soulja Boy) MCM Vietnam Lush Vietnam Pontoon Cambodia Music Styles Hip Hop, Mashups, Reggae, R&B, Bass, Gogo, Rock, Soul, Old School, Latin and Reggatone, Pop, House, 80s EDM and anything to make a crowd happy... E-Water Radio!! Get ready UZN members! UZN Radio is here!! With several streamix networks on the rise, we intend to be a showcase for the D.J. Whose life-art is the reason we dance, bob our head or wonder why there are no rap-karaoke bars. The Math here is a solution, not a warehouse like Amazon Prime. This is where legends in the game are heard every Saturday from 3pm to 10pm MST (mountain Standard Time - U.S.) Therefore we thank the many around the world who help guide the next generation through history. Check out our schedule weekly to see who's playing our turn it up. We're what free radio for the people should be and not by the limitations of sponsored media. Our mixologist are from many parts of the world and if your new to this, become a member of the UZN Council for free. The benefit - nonstop mix shows you can't get anywhere else, broadcasted from, under the banner of Universal Zulu Nation!! DJ G. MAttew Hammond NYears Party Flyer.jpg EarGasm.jpg G. Mat Hammond.jpg E-Water Radio is one of the funkiest links to music, artist showcases, interviews and way much more. As a network link to, E-Waters' life-art commitment is unparalleled from the West Coast. E-Water Radio is our secondary link, outside the corporate vacuum. (TBA) The Top Tier is Loaded like this!! - Hear the FYRE every Saturday (US) that incorporate the world's finest D.J.'s from UZN and beyond!! We always promote and never step on the toes of the future!! Get in Touch & Chuck us a good set!!! 1+213 925 3589 (LVM) The International Spittahz Club is a hip hop world of culture. From UZN, the U.K., the U.S., South Africa, Japan, China, Senegal, Australia, Bulgaria, Thailand, Germany, Austria, Ireland, New Zealand, Afghanistan, Palestine, Mexico, Cuba, Belgium, Bolivia, Peru, Chile, Iran, Egypt, Sudan, The Philippines - These Vid-Artist are the criteria for the future!! Hip-Hop has NO BORDERS, NO WALLS, NO RACE. WE are the Voice of the Voiceless! This is UZN Radio Saturday!! Bringing together the future D.J. and Turntablist of styles, is no easy feat. It requires everyone to make the effort in building better. We all may not make it to the top of commercial success but at least we NEVER GAVE UP!! IN-House Specialist: These are the cats holdin' it down, every weekend!! Resident Dir. of Global Turn Table Mixes Travelin' Matt For 2 years, he's been the pilot, flying the mothership! Great human being from Thialand!! Resident DIr. of the DanceFloor Boogie!! Adam Flores With a passion for everything danceable in the 80's, there's never a beat he can't flip!! Resident Dir. of the Bully Turn Tables of funk and soul!! The Mighty Danjah Ras If you question what you heard from his decks, then the honor is yours to behold. The sonic beat 'em up!!

  • OM7 Ani-Filmz | ktng860am

    mediakunsgalery & projects Ons logo: OM7 Ani-Filmz Dis lewendig!!! ! Hier is die nuwe logo-ontwerp vir die filmmaatskappy. Ek sal binne 'n rukkie die titel vir die projek gereed hê. Daarna - ek vervaardig die hele fliek! #Melanin4Omnitar Nadat die draaiboek vir die film herwerk is, kom dit alles bymekaar en ek is opgewonde om die hele fliek te vervaardig. Meer grafiese kunsopdaterings sal hier geplaas word, terwyl ons vorentoe gaan om hierdie galaktiese te maak!  Ek wil net seker maak jy het iets te sien gekry wat nog nooit gedoen is nie en sal baie van die min inspireer om hul drome ten volle uit te leef!

  • Become a Supporter! | ktng860am

    A E B C O M E $5,00 "Goeie Buurman" for  Community    _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb36bad5cf58d_un---394b39b -136bad5cf58d_un----1194b36bad5cc58d_un --36c981b -136bad5cf58d_un---1194bk7819b-136bad5cf58d_Un----1-bb36b-136BAD5CF58D_UN----118819b-136BAD5CF58D_UN! ** For companies, individuals or organizations that wish to do     "in natura " donations, please          _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_remit request and item(s)        _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_description to:              _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-1586_bad5c_fcc 05-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Vir 'n eenmalige skenking van $ 5.00 , ons gee weekliks shout ups, weekliks van almal wat help in die stryd teen vals massamedia!          Thank you so much for caring ! As HUB en Eienaar het ek 'n paar goeie mense ontmoet deur my reis. Ek het my vaardighede en vriendskap openlik gedeel. Leer by ware meesters. Geliefd deur diegene, ek het diep omgegee. Deur hierdie geesdriftige gawes in geloof oor te dra, vra ons dit van u bydraes. Deur 'n lid-intekenaar te word, word u jaarlikse belasting- aftrekbaar  pledge van $100.00 help om die kursusdinamika van die Leerlingskapprogram altyd te verbeter, in elke wêreldwye programmering van die Leerlingskapprogram, ons wêreldwye programmeerprogram135cbcd1335cbcf58c1390 , geregtigheid en billike verslaggewing wat elke gemeenskap weerspieël. Baie dankie! Jah seën. 50% OFF BUY NOW WORD A KTNG.Org  jaarlikse LID VIR $ 100.00 ! Jeff Jaggers  HUB / EIENAAR - KTNG.Org Wanneer die onderdruktes die onderdrukker word, is daar 'n kwessie van 'n beheervraat wat absoluut moerig is! ​ Kopieskryf 2014 501(c)3 MY GROOT GEBEURTENIS This is a great place to tell people more about your special day and get them excited to celebrate. More Info > Moenie 'n INCEL wees nie! Kry die boek wat JOU keer om HULLE te word!  Slegs beskikbaar vir $17,95 ​ PATREON AFSLAG  $12,95 Kry jou MUG-skoot! You seen the MUG and now it's YOURS as a  KTNG MORNING SHOW  Subscriber:_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ $20,00 ​ ​ PATREON AFSLAG $16,00 ​ Maak jou bestelling(s) of skenkings deur ! S&H ingesluit! Kry jou PATREON: Moenie die "Incel" word nie - WEES DIE MAN wat KAN, verstaan! Klik op die webwerf hieronder en vind die geheim uit

  • About | ktng860am

    KTNG.ORG skenk     KTNG.Org is 'n 501(c)3  niewinsorganisasie, Media Arts Broadcast Station wat aan GuideStar voldoen, in die VSA Kyk na ons. Met dit gesê, is ons kompromisloos in wat ons uitbring. Musiek van regoor die wêreld, nuus waarvoor skaars opgegrawe is en kulturele opvoeding om ons nader aan begrip, verdraagsaamheid en 'n tuiste vir nuwe artistieke visie te bring.Universele Zoeloenasie - verteenwoordig! Zeitgeist , sê iets!Videograwe - maak jou flieks beskikbaar vir meer as 19 lande !! WE"RE GROWING LIKE LODO        _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_           MARIJUANA!! !  SLUIT AAN!

  • UZN 50th WORLD COUNCIL | ktng860am

    UZN 50th World Council UZN 50th World Council Welcome to UZN 50th World Council. First, we thank and love you all!! Now that we have a site page for everything base on the first and only principle law that exist in Universal Zulu Nation: Love, Peace, Unity & Having Fun. Our mission is to further the legacy of UZN by its ability as a global community, unfractured. Elevate the collaborative efforts of promotion and maintain brand awareness of all members, fairly and just. Integrity is the corner stone of trust and that opens many niches of qualified opportunity for all. As a global effort, we only ask that you respect other artist and elemental masters of hip-hop, as a matter of being humane. ​ Now for the fun stuff!! ​ With the help of, unification on this platform is tantamount to having a safe place to grow our art and support one another intellectually, spiritually and improve creative levels of austerity. ​ This will require networking, promotion and coordination of how to help artist with community functions, within the culture of hip-hop. This means, everybody that has an idea or project that needs nurturing within the process, must also know that associations like this, foster a greater means of family. ​ In the coming months, we will establish a global network available to all members. There is no cost to join but chapter donations would be discrectional to fundraising efforts, by for facilitation. We don't ask for much but It's nice to the non-profit that that it is. ​ Lastly, I want to thank Afrika Islam for extending his friendship and association of Universal Zulu Nation. With him, this phase for all chapters will have a blue print for sustainability, for many decades, on this; our Planet Rock. ​ Blessings, and Peace to all. ​ Bro-Be-Won Zenobi ​ ​ Membership Membership Join as a member or volunteer! Registration First Name Last Name Email Street Address Street Address Line 2 City Region/State/Province Postal / Zip code Country Next Donate Now Help us make a difference First Name Last Name Email Donate in the name of Thank You Reciept Thank you for your donation! Please take notice: The "Thank You Receipt is set at a min of $10. Anything less than that and PayPal will charge you $5 for processing and we don't sent out invoicing that low. Volunteer Network First Name Last Name Email How did you find out about us? Select an option Which days are you available? Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat A few words about you Submit Application Thanks for applying to volunteer with us! We'll get back to you soon.

  • Interview Spotlightz | ktng860am

    Interview Spotlightz!! Hosted by Jeff W. Jaggers II Welcome to Interview Soptlightz ! On this page, everyone interviewed has made more than a mark in history, but are iconic in the works they do. Either as industry heads or artist from international cultures, this is where you can learn certain caveats, not available on Wiki or Youtube. We only ask that you donate to our cause to record the candidly, that so many miss in context. ​ Session 1 Date of Interview: 2/26/2024 Marvin Spruill is the defining legacy to country music, and it's origins from Africa. In his inaugural interview, he details how it was, is and how he became to be the Founder & Executive Producer of The Country Soul Music Awards. 3-7-2024 Session 2 Travelin' Matt Travelin' Matt is a not only DJ but an entrepreneur, artist, music producer and King of the Thailand Club scene! He has a very interesting and fun story to tell you, from the island of smiles! Get your interview, now!

  • Re-Program | ktng860am

    HERPROGRAM HERPROGRAM HERPROGRAM MUSIEK PRAAT INTERNASIONAAL SPITAHZ KLUB Global Hip-Hop - 05:00 - 10:00 (MST) DIE KTNG OGGENDSKONS!!  07:00 - 08:00 (MST)           _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           3pm - 16:00 AUDIO DOCZ - NUUS & DOKUMENTÊR 10:00 - 11:00 (mst)           _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         4pm - 6pm ​ PRAAT -N- SIEL    radio! Luister na ons stellys en word deel van 'n globale beweging! Wees daardie stem vir jou gemeenskap, NOU! KTNG.Org Fund Drive-programmering Dankie aan elkeen wat geskenk het! Help om vryheid van spraak en ondersteuning te beskerm! Word lid van KTNG.Org Dankie dat jy gekom het!!! Vir almal wat gekom het en by da' convo aangesluit het - aanlyn! Jy kry ewige uitroepe! Hou aan om deur te kom en maak dit jou huis! My huis, so huis! Genadig! Maricela Segundo Maria Salsiri Brigette Larkins Carmen Hernandez Prins Malloy Johnny Cash Cash Ernest Franklin Franklin Kamala Mason Prof. Nigel Daring Ryk roem Tina Hightower Trevor Thomas Ubuntu Waareid Mista Wonderlike Covington Glenn Covington Joe Boruff Lee Rivera Lucella Testa Dr. Dwayne Proctor - RWJ-stigting Joel Dupri Knight Aria Vincent Dyablo Viedma Herrera Jason J Chill Walter Jenkins - The Man Hoo Remembers Walter Wiszowaty Walter Santucci Helen Jackson Jamie Manton Annette Terell Dolce Melody Orozco Jason Anthony Beer Pjdn Kru B. Pers Heins Luc Ah Reyna Rivera Scott Woods Paul Martin (USMC - Ret) Vinnige Nieves Rina Cervantes Sergio Mirtzine Chris  Alexander Sullivan R. Wallker Salomo Stephens Liriek L. Rey Angeli Marie Mone' Paul Watts Kerby Rock Rusty Hornz Rico Hudson Derryl James Daniel Vargas Benitez Hakan Aktun Darius Modzelewski Rodney Prez-Ny White Andy Sebastian de May Stephanie Rivas Mark Rough Kev Ski Bobb Planeet Katerina Ksenyeva Yuka Matsuda Tanaguchi Luke Cage of Mothership Connection Zin Uru Stefan Escoffery Juan Garcia - BOK MAFIA!!! Harold Porter MC Prosa Tom Bacon Angel Infinit Galorza Flasha TR Pettiford Zulu Wamuyu Richard Clark - Black Pearl Ent. Ricky Wood Mamsait ophou El Bennie Mike Jackson Angela Perez Gloria J. Anderson Bob Joshua Jay Webb Gibson Freedom Belle Joyce Stewart Brenda-Eakins Perkins Xavier Villalobos - Prof. X - Disenfrachised Shinohara Masato Deonna Berry Skiski Rio Makumba Scratch GI Bltrn Frank Martinez Frank Yates Jose Luis Guzman Shannon Smith Daniele de Angelia Martrell McGinnis Nina Henderson Steven Anthony Harris Sagar Ali Shah Isavel Guadalupe Ortiz Alvarado David Taylor Ero Tres Quetzal Jes Ras Kwame Launy Rhem Coretta Brown Sha Jackson BeatzRhymez Emotionz Celeste Nest Mass Dog Mu van MassDogMusic Anki Boog Gaddy Dr. Dwayne Proctor Prof. Nigel Darring Dr Kwaqu Lynn Latino Kamer van Koophandel - Compton Takugi Nakakoa Luke en Mia Alexander Heidi Gardner Jamie Manton Dietzo Eto Die Nate Saiko Malique Smith Prinses Lanita Jones Jeff Shepard Kay Irrola Frank Mills Miranda Don Wu Afrika Islam Universele Zoeloenasie Lonnie Rhem Hitz Taylor Ijola Fitts Jaquanna Mason & Familie Die Baas Kam Anthony Mason Greg Mason ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Sluit aan by die Convo! Regstreeks gestroom oor Facebook en YouTube! Interaksie en lewer kommentaar soos die vertoning aangaan en skenk om gemeenskapsgebaseerde joernalistiek en die Mediakuns-leerlingskap te ondersteun, vir "gevaarlike" jeug! Dankie en Jah Bless!

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